Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Loss Memorials - inspirational ideas

I have been searching to find websites and blogs, that provide support to dads of angel babies.I would like to share with you this fantastic memory garden
"...After the stillbirth of our son Tanner, my husband felt the need to fix things by using his hands. He built beautiful stone benches, a pergola and hung a swing in Tanner’s memory gardens.
Since men and women grieve differently, it is important to allow husbands to express their pain in a way that is comfortable for them..."

Diana Gardner-Williams is the mother of 3 year old son, 2 early pregnancy losses and 1 stillbirth. Diana is owner and founder of Just a Cloud Away Inc. support website providing specialty remembrance kits, memory garden tutorials, keepsake crafts and inspirational articles and ideas to help families grieving the loss of their baby.

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